Saturday, November 20, 2010

First Snow

Paulette and I have been walking in snow for the last two weeks at higher elevations in Charlevoix and Mont Mégantic; however, today we woke up to a delicate layer of snow in our backyard. With warm weather predicted later this week it is unlikely to stay. But we are happy to see a brightness in the landscape that dispels the November gloom. Snowshoeing here we come!

These pictures were taken last year during a walk in Station touristique Duchesnay on November 30, the first snow day of 2009.

1 comment:

  1. Nous attendons nous aussi l'arrivée de la neige pour aller en raquette. Hélas, ce n'est pas le même paysage que le votre.

    Il n'y a pas à dire que l'on jouit bien de tes très belles photos.

